Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have a range of effects on a person, including health complications that lead to long recovery times, if not permanent damage. They can also cause death in serious cases. If you or your loved one experienced this type of trauma, you can speak with a Cordova traumatic brain injury lawyer to discuss the facts of the incident and determine whether it was caused by someone else’s fault. Many TBIs are not the fault of the injured person and instead occur due to negligence and intentional actions of others.

Work with a Board-certified catastrophic injury attorney during this time as you and your family navigate life post-injury. David E. Gordon can alleviate some of the stress in your life by researching case details and filing claims on your behalf. He can also provide counsel whenever your family requires it and represent your interests in settlement and trial proceedings.

How is a Traumatic Brain Injury Defined?

While a blow to the skull gets classified as a head injury, it is not always necessarily a brain injury. A traumatic brain injury occurs when the blow or impact penetrates the skull and makes contact with brain tissue. Even if the impact does not go through the skull, any brain bruising or tissue tears are also considered traumatic. Common causes of TBI include slip and falls, motor vehicle accidents, athletic accidents, and assaults.

Common Symptoms of TBIs

Brain trauma symptoms typically include:

  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Balance problems
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Concentration issues
  • Memory loss
  • Recurring headaches

Additional symptoms include dilated pupils, emotional and mental state changes, and disorientation. Falls remain the most common cause of severe brain injuries.

Different Types of TBIs

A commonly-seen type of TBI are concussions, which is when the brain quickly moves back and forth within the skull. Contusions, on the other hand, refer to brain bruising, while hematomas can lead to brain blood clots. Other serious head trauma includes diffuse axonal injuries where the brain gets rocked violently back and forth, stretching nerve cells and causing severe harm. If the brain bleeds in response to an impact, then the individual has a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Regardless of the type of injury someone suffered, a Cordova TBI lawyer can provide legal assistance for their case.

How is Liability Established in Cordova Brain Injury Cases?

Some brain trauma cases in Tennessee fall under strict liability guidelines, such as those involving defective products. Proving negligence is not necessary in such cases. Auto accidents and hazardous property accidents require attorneys to prove a defendant’s negligence. If the injured client entered the defendant’s property to perform plumbing repairs, only to slip and fall on icy stairs, a local traumatic brain injury attorney must show that the property owner failed to provide a duty of care to the injured party. If the property owner was shown to have failed to salt the stairs or display warning signs, the property owner can be considered negligent and have to pay damages.

Since Tennessee follows modified comparative negligence laws, the injured client must be less than 50 percent responsible for his or her own injuries, or else be barred from recovering compensation. However, if the injured party is less than 50 percent at fault for the injury, the final award will simply be reduced by the injured party’s degree of fault.

Reach Out to a Cordova Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Today

A severe injury to the brain could impact your cognitive abilities, which might make it harder to handle a legal claim alone. Allow David E. Gordon, a Cordova traumatic brain injury lawyer, to take over management of the lawsuit. Call now to discover what kind of compensation you might be entitled to and what needs to be done to secure it.

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon