Enjoying a swimming pool is an incredibly refreshing activity, particularly in the middle of a long, humid Tennessee summer. Many favorite recreational activities, however, carry some element of danger, and swimming is no different. Swimming pool accidents in Memphis can happen, and they can lead to serious injuries.

When you are injured while using a pool, you may be unsure what to do next. Regardless of whether the injury occurred at a private pool in a neighbor’s yard, a public pool, or a water park, The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs can help you understand your legal rights. An experienced premises liability attorney at our firm can advise on your legal options and help you pursue the compensation you need to recover.

Causes of Swimming Pool Injuries

For accidents that occur around swimming pools, many people only think about drowning accidents. Certainly, drownings are possible, especially where younger children are involved or where a pool is not properly fenced in or enclosed.

However, other types of accidents are possible around swimming pools in Memphis as well, including:

  • Slips and falls on the wet area around the pool, which is usually cement
  • Striking the bottom of the pool after diving, particularly in shallow water
  • Cuts from sharp objects in or around the pool
  • Getting stuck or sucked into drains or cleaning equipment
  • Falling due to broken or improperly maintained diving boards, slides, or ladders into and out of the pool
  • Improper use of pool chemicals

These accidents can lead to a wide variety of injuries for swimmers, such as:

David E. Gordon, a board-certified personal injury attorney, knows that every accident and injury is unique. He has experience representing clients in a wide variety of situations and helping them achieve fair compensation based on their needs.

The Role of Comparative Fault

However, the owner of a swimming pool in Memphis is not necessarily automatically responsible for all accidents on their property. Instead, the injured person must prove that the owner—or another person using the pool—was negligent by failing to maintain their premises or acting in an unreasonably safe manner.

In some situations, though, fault may be more complicated: an injured person may have taken actions that contributed to their injuries. Tennessee state law addresses this scenario. It says that an injured person’s negligence contributing to their injury will not prevent them from recovering compensation from another person who also contributed to it, as long as they are not more than 50 percent responsible. However, the injured person’s recovery will be reduced in proportion to the amount of their responsibility.

Determining fault for an accident is already a complicated endeavor, and this statute, although it protects the injured person’s right to recover, makes it more so. A well-practiced injury attorney like David E. Gordon can help an injured person analyze their accident and determine what division of responsibility for the accident is likely.

Seek Help from a Memphis Attorney after a Swimming Injury

Swimming pools can be dangerous places. When you or a loved one are injured because of someone else’s failure to keep their property safe, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. An attorney with experience handling swimming pool accidents in Memphis can help you protect and assert your legal rights in the manner most appropriate to your situation.

Schedule a free initial consultation with the Law Office of David E. Gordon today to learn more.

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon