If you are a maritime dock worker that has been injured on the job, you could be eligible to file for compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act (LHWCA).
After sustaining injuries in an accident, it could benefit you to speak with a Memphis longshore and harbor workers accident lawyer for a breakdown of your legal options. The LHWCA excludes certain workers from compensation, depending on the type of work the individual does, so hiring a knowledgeable attorney such as Elissa M. Coombs of The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs could be beneficial when determining if you have a case. Elissa could help you seek all the benefits owed to you and protect your legal rights throughout the claims process.
Eligible Memphis Maritime Workers Under the LHWCA
Collecting Compensation in a Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act Claim
There are several forms of benefits that a Memphis dock worker bringing an LHWCA claim could be entitled to recover, including temporary or partial disability payments to offset lost wages, physical therapy costs, and medical and hospital bills.
Additional compensation could be available under section 905(b) the LHWCA if the negligence or carelessness of a vessel contributed to the worker’s injuries. This third-party negligence claim can provide additional compensation to the recovery of the standard LHWCA disability benefits.
To file a negligence-based claim, the injured worker would need to prove that the third party owed them a legal duty, breached this duty, and their damages were the direct consequence of their carelessness. The seasoned maritime attorneys at The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs could help a claimant prove there was negligent conduct and establish liability based on those actions.
Contact a Memphis Longshore and Harbor Workers Accident Attorney for More Information
The laws surrounding benefits for longshore and harbor workers injured on the job can be complex to understand. However, by working with skilled Memphis longshore and harbor workers accident lawyer Elissa M. Coombs of The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs, you can ensure that your case receives the attention and competent representation necessary to obtain maximum recovery. Call now to discuss your case with an experienced maritime attorney at the Law Office of David E. Gordon.