A rear-end car accident occurs when a driver strikes the back end of the car in front of them. These incidents typically happen during times when there is significant traffic on the roadway from individuals commuting to and from work or school.

Rear-end car crashes are usually the result of driver negligence, including distractions that stop motorists from noticing that other cars are slowing down or stopping. If a careless driver rear-ended you, the civil court might entitle you to collect compensation. Schedule to meet an experienced attorney from The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs to learn more about potential legal options after rear-end car accidents in Southaven.

Common Rear-End Car Crash Injuries

The most common rear-end car crash injuries can include the following:

Attorney David Gordon can review the details of a Southaven rear-end collision to help determine the cause of the event and calculate potential damage recovery.

Statute of Limitations in Rear-End Collision Claims

The statute of limitations sets a strict time limit on how long a claimant has to file a personal injury lawsuit after the cause of action that leads to their losses. According to Mississippi Code § 15-1-49, the petitioner has three years from the day of the Southaven rear-end car accident to file the lawsuit for damages in civil court.

However, there are certain exceptions to the discovery rule, including provisions made for those who do not immediately realize they sustained injuries in the accident. Under these circumstances, the statute’s time begins running the day they reasonably discover their damages.

If the plaintiff suffers an injury causing mental impairment, the statute begins the day the disability ends. Additionally, the clock does not start in cases involving minors until they turn 21, and the individual has until the day they turn 24 to file a claim. Missing the filing deadline will almost always leave the injured person with no options to recover compensation from the at-fault party.

The Pure Comparative Fault Rule

Rear-end car accidents are all unique and may involve two, three, or more vehicles. In many civil claims, the court finds that the defendant is not the only liable party, and the plaintiff may be partly responsible. Under Mississippi Code § 11-7-15, if the jury finds that the injured individual is partly at-fault for their damages, they will subtract their percentage of blame from their total award amount. A dedicated attorney from our firm can answer questions about the applicable statute and handle the legal work on the plaintiff’s behalf to refute allegations of shared fault and maximize potential damages.

Call a Qualified Attorney About Southaven Rear-End Car Accidents

Rear-end car accidents in Southaven can cause a vast range of injuries, from minor to severe. Almost every crash of this type happens because of driver negligence. If a careless driver crashed into the back of your car, you might be eligible to collect compensation from the at-fault party.

Call The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs soon to schedule an appointment if you need help with a case. We are prepared to advocate on your behalf and protect your rights every step of the way.

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon

The Law Offices of David E. Gordon