Do I have to repay my health insurance company when I settle my injury claim?
Yes. Even though you paid a premium for your health insurance company to pay your bills from the accident, all health insurers require their policy holders to reimburse them from...
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How much time do I have to file a lawsuit if I’m injured in an automobile accident?
Adults injured in automobile accidents have one year from the date of the accident to resolve their case by settlement. If a settlement is not reached, they must file suit...
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Who is going to pay my medical bills if I’m injured in an auto accident?
There are three possibilities here. First, your health insurance company should pay the bills, even though they are the result of an automobile accident. In addition, your driver’s automobile insurance...
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Must the negligent driver’s insurance company pay for my medical treatment?
Yes, but not until the conclusion of your claim. There may be limited payments made for medical expenses if you were a passenger in the responsible driver’s car. But otherwise,...
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Does the negligent driver’s insurance company have to provide me a rental car?
Yes, but only for as long as it takes to repair your vehicle or settle the total loss. Once they make payment to you for the total loss of your...
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