The aftermath of a car accident can be frightening and confusing. You may worry about how long you will be without your car, how long it will take to recover, or whether you will be able to work and take care of responsibilities in the meantime. An experienced car accident attorney is here to help.
Your worries may be more daunting when you discover the person who hit you does not have liability insurance, or that they do not have enough insurance to cover your losses. To figure out next steps in this situation, it could be advantageous to contact a Board-certified attorney from the Law Office of David E. Gordon who is experienced with uninsured/underinsured car accidents in Olive Branch.
UI/UIM Insurance
Drivers are required by law in Mississippi to have insurance. The required amounts are $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and an additional $25,000 property damage per accident. When an at-fault driver carries the required insurance, but it is not enough to cover the losses from an accident, they are considered an underinsured driver.
If the injured party carries uninsured/underinsurance motorist (UI/UIM) insurance, they could potentially make a UI/UIM claim with their insurance company to get compensation. UI/UIM insurance is optional but is still a good idea because it covers someone when they are hit by a negligent driver who has no insurance or not enough insurance to cover the damage. UI/UIM insurance can also apply in a hit-and-run situation where the negligent driver cannot be identified.
Multi-car uninsured/underinsured motorist policies can be stacked together, which could provide additional coverage. For a three-car family with UI/UIM of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident, for example, the policies could be stacked together to create a larger cushion of $75,000 per person and $150,000 per accident. David can explain the details of coverage after uninsured/underinsured car accidents in Olive Branch.
Insurance Company Negotiations
UI/UIM insurance covers property damage, lost wages, medical bills, cost of travel to medical appointments, physical pain and suffering, and emotional distress and anxiety. In serious cases with high medical costs and the reduced ability to work, however, this may not be enough.
Insurance companies are motivated by profit and not necessarily by a desire to help people injured in car wrecks, even when those people are premium-paying customers.
For this reason, it could be helpful to have an attorney with knowledge about uninsured/underinsured car wrecks in Olive Branch, and to handle negotiations with the insurance company. A lawyer is accustomed to dealing with resistant insurance companies and can oftentimes negotiate a better settlement.
If the insurance company does not offer enough assistance, it also might be possible to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver (and additional responsible people) to potentially get a better outcome. David can explain the details of these issues during a consultation.
Seek Information About Uninsured/Underinsured Car Wrecks in Olive Branch
When you have sustained injuries and property damage in a car crash caused by someone else’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. If the driver is not insured, or is inadequately insured, you might be able to make things right by filing a claim with your UI/UIM insurance. If that does not provide a fair and just level of recovery, you could consider other legal action.
Whether dealing with the insurance company or taking other steps, it is helpful to contact a lawyer who has experience handling matters involving uninsured/underinsured car accidents in Olive Branch. Call the Law Office of David E. Gordon for a free consultation today.