Collisions involving motorcycles have the potential to lead to some of the most devastating losses that can occur on the road. Not only can these events result in severe physical injuries, but they may also significantly impact your quality of life and ability to support yourself and your family.
With these facts in mind, it is crucial to take any step that may help limit the frequency and severity of these incidents. Common safety measures to prevent motorcycle accidents in Olive Branch could help preserve your future and protect your ability to demand appropriate compensation from at-fault drivers following a collision. To learn more about your legal options following a crash, reach out to The Law Office of David E. Gordon & Elissa M. Coombs to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.
Safety on a Motorcycle Begins Before Hitting the Road
The most direct way to prevent motorcycle accidents in Olive Branch and elsewhere in the state is to perform proper maintenance on a vehicle. Much of this maintenance is a requirement under state law. For example, Mississippi Code Annotated § 63-7-13 requires all motorcycles traveling on public roads to have at least one functional headlamp.
Other maintenance procedures help a bike be safer and more efficient. Taking steps such as checking tire pressure and cleaning rearview mirrors are all simple measures riders can take to decrease the frequency of accidents.
Another requirement under Mississippi law is wearing a helmet. All operators and passengers on motorized, open-air vehicles must wear a helmet that meets federal safety guidelines. These critical pieces of safety gear can prevent a minor incident from becoming a tragedy.
Following Traffic Regulations and Making Smart Choices
A biker’s responsibility to operate safely continues every moment they are on the road. In many respects, these are the same obligations the drivers of larger cars and trucks have to protect others. Speed limits, prohibitions on texting while driving, and laws concerning red lights and stop signs apply to all vehicles. In addition, bikers can make the wise decision to reduce potential distractions, refrain from lane splitting, and give larger vehicles the appropriate amount of space.
Operating a Vehicle Safely Could Help Protect a Biker’s Legal Rights
Just as all bikers have an obligation under the law to properly operate and maintain their vehicles, they also have the right to demand compensation for the losses that result from another’s failure to do so. However, the law in Mississippi uses a concept called comparative negligence to assign fault following accidents. This means that another party may allege that a biker did not take appropriate steps to protect themselves leading up to the collision. A court that accepts this argument will reduce the compensation it awards at trial.
Following the laws concerning the safe operation of a motorcycle in Olive Branch can help limit the impact of the comparative fault rule. A person able to show that they properly maintained their vehicle and were following the rules of the road prior to the crash can be powerful evidence of another’s responsibility for an accident.
Reach Out for More Information on Motorcycle Safety Measures in Olive Branch
Riding a motorcycle is a fun but inherently dangerous activity. Even so, you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of being involved in a crash while also protecting your legal rights.
Contact the Law Office of David E. Gordon today to evaluate the safety measures you could take to prevent motorcycle accidents in Olive Branch and how these choices may affect your legal rights if a collision occurs.